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  • 2-Phosphoglycerate Assay Kit - MilliporeSigma

    2-Phosphoglycerate (2PG) is an important intermediate in the glycolysis pathway, a critical mechanism of ATP generation. It is converted to phosphoenol pyruvate (PEP), catalyzed 2019年4月29日  Photorespiration recycles 2-phosphoglycolate (2PG), a dead-end metabolite that inhibits enzymes needed for CO 2 assimilation, into the Calvin–Benson Mechanistic understanding of photorespiration paves the 2PG: 1zji: Bound ligand 2: 1: 2PG: 2al1: Bound ligand 1: 1: 2PG: 2al2: Bound ligand 2: 1: 2PG: 2one: Bound ligand 1: 1: 2PG: 2r45: Bound ligand 2: 1: 2PG: 2xh2: Bound ligand 4: 2PG : Chemical Bonds - EMBL-EBI

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  • The Photorespiratory Metabolite 2-Phosphoglycolate Regulates ...

    2017年9月25日  The Calvin-Benson cycle and its photorespiratory repair shunt are in charge of nearly all biological CO 2 fixation on Earth. They interact functionally and via 2-Phosphoglyceric acid ( 2PG ), or 2-phosphoglycerate, is a glyceric acid which serves as the substrate in the ninth step of glycolysis. It is catalyzed by enolase into 2-Phosphoglyceric acid - Wikipedia2020年8月31日  双-peg/ppg-16/16 peg/ppg-16/16 聚二甲基硅氧烷 . 2020-8-31 18:33 发布者: 可爱网 查看: 1595 评论: 0双-PEG/PPG-16/16 PEG/PPG-16/16 聚二甲基硅氧烷 - 产品成分 ...ZOL中关村在线msi微星GE60 2PG-843XCN笔记本电脑参数提供最全的msi微星GE60 2PG-843XCN参数、msi微星GE60 2PG-843XCN规格、msi微星GE60 2PG-843XCN性能 msi微星GE60 2PG-843XCN参数 - 中关村在线2pg Latest BiGG Models publication: King ZA, Lu JS, Dräger A, Miller PC, Federowicz S, Lerman JA, Ebrahim A, Palsson BO, and Lewis NE. BiGG Models: A platform for Universal metabolite: 2pg - University of California, San Diego

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